In Greek mythology, the Palladium was an object of antiquity on which the safety of Troy was said to depend. Over time, a palladium has been used to mean anything to provide protection or safety. The path of lifelong learning provides protection and safety for success. This newsletter seeks to inspire reflective professional practice through educational research, strategy, and art. All books featured in this newsletter are available upon request.
Poverty in the United States is getting worse, not better. The new normal is this: we now have a majority of students in public schools who qualify as poor based on school data (Suitts, 2015). |
Chronic exposure to poverty affects the areas of the brain responsible for memory, impulse regulation, visuospatial actions, language, cognitive capacity, and conflict (Noble, Norman, & Farah, 2005). |
Teachers who do not know what these behaviors really are may inappropriately judge a student as lazy, unwilling to follow directions, a poor listener, low achieving, and anto-social. When students feel a connection with their teachers and feel respect and trust, they behave and learn better. |
Often, teachers feel helpless to help students if there is a lack of support at home, but the truth is the classroom teacher is still the single most significant contributer to student achievement; the effect is greater than that of parents, peers, entire schools, or poverty (Hanushek, 2005; Rivkin, Hanushek, & Kain, 2005; Rockoff, 2004). |
All students, especially those from poverty, love the idea of goals. Setting personal goals and sharing them with your students is an effective way to foster the relational mindset. |
The effect size of cooperative versus individual learning is 0.59 (Hattie, 2009). This gain is solid; over a year's worth of difference. Additionally, cooperative learning supports the critical feeling of belonging. |
Use the Two and Ten Strategy: Identify two students who need the most connection. These students may be extra shy or noisy, or they have trouble sitting still, display a lack of self-regulation, or hang around after class seeking a connection with you. For ten consecutive days, invest two minutes a day connecting time to talk about anything with these two. |
Give feedback according to SEA (Strategy, Effort, and Attitude). Instead of saying, "well done" or "good job," give specific feedback in regard to strategy, effort, adn attitude: "I love how you kept trying so many strategies on that problem until you got it"; "I like that you refused to give up. That extra effort will help you succeed again and reach your goal" and "Before you began, you thought you could succeed. Your positive attitude helped you come through." |
What one strategy above can I try in my classroom this week to help all students in my class? |
© 2022 Laura Jacob, 40 Trojan Way, Coal Center, PA 15423 Phone: 724.785.5800